Happy Teacher’s Day

We dedicate this day to honor our teachers, instructors, and professors who vigorously guided us through our academic course.

With all our hearts, Ma’am and Sir, Happy Teacher’s Day! 💙

All the hardships in being a teacher, also the sacrifices, you all conquered with your passion in wanting to teach. With that dedication, you’ve helped a lot of students to learn, clear out the fog that’s concealing their bright future, and even became a Nanay and Tatay to us because of your overflowing love for this profession. With all of that, we’re truly grateful for you. You help shape the world by molding the youth into becoming responsible individuals.

Once again, Happy Teacher’s Day from the Junior Tourism and Hospitality Management Association of the Philippines to all of our teachers who showed nothing but hard work and commitment in sharing their knowledge and love to us, your students.




