- At 7pm, Friday, September 20, 2019, at the Acacia Residence Hall of the University of the Philippines – Diliman in Quezon City, the Founder, Prof. Jojo M. Villamin called for the initial meeting for the formation of the Junior Tourism and Hospitality Management Association of the Philippines, Inc. (JTHMAP).
- There were 22 schools, which participated in this attempt to create the biggest national organization of tourism and hospitality students. Dr. Shirley V. Guevarra, the UP Diliman – Office of the Student Housing Director and Prof. Raymund Gerard I. Guerrero, former Chairperson of the UP Diliman – College of Home Economics, BS Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management hosted the preliminary assembly.
- In 2019, JTHMAP experienced a lot of challenges due to the start of pandemic. The student officers were just finished with their strategic planning and was about to start the implementation of activities. The shift was so drastic that the organization needed to adjust right away with the demands of pandemic.
- In 2020, JTHMAP was able to adjust already with the new norms. The organization embraced the limitless boundaries of technology and virtual platforms. Pandemic did not pave the way for the students to conduct worthwhile programs such as the JList, Bootcamp, and Produktong Lokal, which permit the organization to be shortlisted in the National Youth Commission’s Ten Outstanding Youth Organization (TOYO). Moreover, JTHMAP pursued its linkages to be recognized by the Tourism Industry Board Foundation, Inc. (TIBFI), National Youth Commission (NYC), Asia-Pacific Interagency Network on Youth (APINY), Asian Youth Network (AYN), and the ASEAN Youth Advocates Network.